Ride The Starz began as my random-mutterings about horses, but has gradually evolved into reviews, rants, my love Alphy and general awesome geekyness :)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Poor Rocky
Saturday, September 29, 2007
If we cant Save ourselves how are we gonna save a totally different species? If you believe that you may leave now and feel content about killing animals.
If yoy have gotten this far that means that you probably love animals! Go veggie! Actually dont go entirely veggie at the beginning slowly become veggie or else you get sick. Not enough Protein and all. But eat Tofu! Everyone says it tastes gross but actually its really good. Also its hard to go veggie when you dont have a reason. I talk from Experience. Also I still eat Lamb. I know its sick. How can I eat the little sheep running happily in the green fields. But I dont eat Birds. I raised chickens, turkeys,and pheasants. And named them all, they all had personalities. I raised CorkScrew with an EyeDropper because he couldnt eat. But Now he grew big and strong! (well at least big for a pheasant) Also Michelle was his riend she was a red chicken. Her mom got eaten so me and emmy raised her! She was so much bigger than CorkScrew but followed him around EVERYWHERE! She seemed to think he was her mommy. Also CorkScrew was really Fast (all pheasants are but he was really fast) and like Michelle would try as hard as she could to follow him but never quite made it. (chickens arent the fastest creatures in the world.) And Ducks have a sence of humor. (I know I spelt that wrong) Also if you think
G-d Created animals for people to eat. You are wrong. He/She created animals so that we could care for them and LUV them! (Anyone who has a pet will agree with me. They don't deserve to be stuck on a platter.)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Cross Country
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Cat Fight
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
-The CockRoach. (I'll tell you about the cockroash later.)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Shana Tova!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
In Memory
If you are in America and read this you probably know what a sad day yesterday was. 9/11 in when the planes crashed into New York. There were three crashing's all aimed at great American buildings. But in Philadelphia they crashed into a corn field because the people on the plane over rode the terrorist and made it fall in a cornfield. Because of their heroic deed none of the Senator's or our great President died. (I will give you time to mutter what a shame....)
The one in New York at 8:46 EAU time and 7:46 my time is the most famous. I was only little then but it made all America weep. Imagine all the people in the plane's calling on their cell phone's to their loved one's for the last time.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
The world and Racism
And even Woman and Men still aren't equal, if woman can work they get paid 60- 80 cents for every dollar a man makes. Who's to say they aren't doing as good a job as the man? More woman go to college then men now adays.
"Men with children appear to get an earnings boost, whereas women lose earnings. Men with children earn about 2% more on average than men without children, according to the GAO findings, whereas women with children earn about 2.5% less than women without children." -Thanks to GAO Report Click for link
But how come women's work isn't as valued? The earnings a woman makes in a week are 3/4 of what a man makes. And men with children gets paid 2% more then usual but woman make 2.5% less than usual. But others disagree, they say that it is because woman want more time and men want more money. For more on this subject go Here. But that doesn't explain why woman and men working equal hours are still paid differently. But in some jobs woman get 5% more and in some jobs men get 5% more here are the jobs woman are better is:
The first number is for women, the second for men.
- Sales Engineer -- $89,908 -- $62.660
- Engineering managers -- $82,784 -- $76,752
- Aerospace engineers -- $78.416 -- $70,356
- Financial analysts -- $69,004 -- $58,604
- Radiation therapists -- $59,124 -- $53,300
- Statisticians -- $49,140 -- $36,296
- Tool and die makers -- $46,228 -- $40,144
- Speech pathologists -- $45,136 -- $35,048
- Advertising managers -- $42,068 -- $40,144
- Agricultural scientists -- $41,704 -- $39,156
I forgot about the horse fact. Oh well. Also my great Idea to not jabber on about animals turned on to jabber on about Woman's rights. Oh well. Lets go Woman's rights!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007

That is TawnyPaw to the right. I have so many animal stories it would be impossible to tell them all in one day so today i will talk about gerbils. I got my first Gerbils when I was 8 , one called Vanilla and one called Caramel. They were sisters Caramel once bit me and i yanked my hand out of the cage with her still hanging on. She landed on my bed but I was very careful after that. Later we decided to move back to America. So I left my darling rodents in London and moved. After that I wanted another pet. So we got a guinea pig named Cocoa. However my dad my mom and my sister were all alergic to her so we had to give her back to the pet shop. Then we got two other sisters one black and one white. I named the Black one Scamber (like in Harry Potter) and the White one Scamper. The first time I picked Scamper up I picked her up by the tip of the tail like the pet stor lady told me to do. well as you may have guessed her tail fell off! Then she went running around the room leaving blood everywhere! I was kind of freaked out by this but eventually caught her. Scamper grew up to be one of the best gerbils I ever had. She would stop and come on command. She was the best trained gerbil I have ever seen. Sadly the escaped from her cage (Her nickname was Houdini) and ate the varnish on the tableshe and Scamber's cage was on. A few days later she died. She only lived to three years old. Scamber was left alone. We got another gerbil named Oreo but Scamber was defensive and wouldn't let Oreo in her cage because Oreo smelled weird. WE tried to take Oreo back but she didn't smell like the pet store gerbils anymore either. Her own siblings turned on her when she smelled different.
The one of the gerbil in the yellow back round in Oreo, it didn't really look like that. The camera was just set to tint everything in yellow.
Friday, September 7, 2007
life in general...
So apart from the depressing parts my life is good. yesterday we went to a party and we caught a live cicada and it walked on our hands. wuz cool.
My dad wont let me say my age so I will generalize. I am much older than 5+5 and not much younger than 20-5. If you can do the math. I suck at it. I'm bored someone IM me. oh yeay the thing about horses is.... they have 4 legs. in fact i bet you guys could care less about the horses. I mean this was supposed to be about my passionate love for SeaBiscuit but its not working out. I used to keep a diary but my hand hurt after a while and I ran out of paper. plus i am a super computer nerd. I'm currently making the website for my school. I luv making websites but this time I get paid! I also am (pretty) fluent in hebrew because I started learning it in my synagogue at age 3. Thats more than 10 years! I also take mandolin. My mom's the principal of my school and my dads a professor. I luv horse-riding at the stables I go to. I usually ride skipper. He hurt his foot cuz he was pawing at the food and the rusty feed thing stuck in just above the hoof. then he ran around the pasture and it got deeper and deeper. Now he has a cast on for like two months. So I am riding Kaity who is just as good. But she wont take the bit so I have to use a different kind of brindle on her. Kaity is an Arabian mix. She is white with little dappled grey spots. Skipper is a mix of alot of things but is mistly brown with white spots. He's a gelding but still has the temperment of a stallion. He is sweet when you love him though! sometimes he uses me as a scratching post and rubs his head all over me. Then you tell him to stop cuz im like falling over and he looks at me with his wonky one blue eye one brown eye. The reason one eye is blue is because there is a white patch that overlaps around that eye and it is the fur that makes the eyes change. Thats a pretty good fact so it'll be the fact of the day. cool. Maybe I'll get a picture of skippy one day.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
It wasn’t a dreamday,
One day it won’t be a dream,
Soft winds calling my name,
Coals burn and light with the sun,
Foals born a new hope is burning,
Maybe my dream isn’t done.
No swords shall be made from these fires,
Only hope, a new life, will be born,
Wars are past
A Great Black savior in the sky,
Flying down from high,
Angels cry,
He ran away before then,
A lover from the past,
Reminds him of her dreams,
Mother’s, Father’s,
Sons and Daughters,
Hear my pled, do as I lead,
To stop all battle and grief,
Armor is thrown on the floor,
To rust and gather dust,
Bloodshed will be no more,
Sadness is a forever forgotten.
One day it won’t be a dreamday,
Today it’s almost done,
Tomorrow hope is turning,
Maybe it wasn’t a dreamday,
No, it isn’t a dream
the part which is red is optional. i am not christian so its not like jesus or anything. i think its better without that part but it doesnt matter. here is another
He rises as the sun leaves the sky,
A wild mane of stardust,
galloping in the night,
a whinny of thunder,
a cry of delight,
he comes when the moons in the sky,
he runs with the stars,
prancing and bucking till day comes again,
then descends in the morning light
Show me a path -
Show me a path from misery,
Light me away through cold dark days,
Hand me a torch,
I’ll stay with you for time,
Build a Fyre to sit by,
A flame to kill the night,
Bring me back a good song,
To sing by the darkening light,
Give me your hand,
I’ll give you mine,
Don’t look back,
Show me a path,
And light my way through time!
With Each Step
Wynd flying through his mane,
Fyre leaping with his name,
Sparks thundering with each step,
Wynd flying through his mane,
Fyre leaping with his name,
Never stopping, Always going,
Down the plains he gallops
And thunders through the skies-
Wynd flying through his mane,
Fyre leaping with his name,
Hold on to the reins,
And you to will gallop with the clouds,
Never follow the
Or you’ll find you’re a slave with no death-
No breath will be you’re last,
Every moment hope flys past,
A prisoner of your own self,
Never waking to see,
Bright lights of the Free-
Wynd flying through his mane,
Fyre leaping with his name,
Catch the Reins,
And put you’re feet in the stirrups again,
Lead your own path,
Your own path through dark skies!
Beyond the rush
Beyond the rush she whistles,
A slow forlorn tune,
Forever as she gallops on her roan,
As Herons screech above them,
And fish find their doom,
Forever as she gallops away,
She jumps over the sadness,
She crosses the lake,
She finds another path,
But not much easier to take,
As she whistles,
She turns her head,
for the ones before her,
Lost in the tide
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

ok, so the titles random but that never hurt no one. (but trust me, in real life my grammar aen't that bad) hell, ( + o) im even doing spell check! but this isnt about my writting(well, not much anyway.)
Here is a picture of a duck i took. i felt like putting up a picture that was un-horse like just so u know i have a life other then being with horses. (so what if the non-horse life is pretty sad. i do have an existence without my furry four legged motorcycles. just not much... *_* ) the horse like thing of today is to let your horse sniff your armpit. that lets them know you better.
Ok. I just put this link on my Howrse account so maybe people will come here. If you got the

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Good Books
Sorry I haven't been writing (not that you probably care). School is starting up again and homework has been piling up and I still havent got to all of it. talk lata. or IM me or somethin.
Great Horse Books
- Come on Seabiscuit By Ralph Moody
- How to Think like a Horse By Cherry Hill
- Man o' War By Dorothy Ours
- Seabiscuit By Laura Hillenbrand
- Seabiscuit the Rest of the Story By William Nichols
Other Good Books
- Tithe By Holly Black (You should also real all her other books! But the SpiderWick books are for lil' kids.
- Hunted: Fake ID (No idea who author is but you can look it up on Amazon or something)
- Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
The cool/weird fact today is: Horses cannot Vomit.