Sunday, June 29, 2008

Movies: Wall-e and Get Smart

Walle was the BEST!
It was cute and sweet and funny and sad. Even if you hate Sci-Fi like my mom you will like it. Better then Finding Nemo goes right up their with the Toy Story and is more deep-ish then the Shrek's. The humans are lazy and don't think for them selves. They float around everywhere and never do any work. My dad thought they did to many jokes of of 2001: A space Oddessey and would have been better keeping straight to the theme of a robot love story.
You will love M-O , eve, walle and the pet cockroach (which isnt gross, its cute and more cricket like then cockroach-y)

Get Smart
was ok, but we mostly saw it because Steve Carell was in it. He is much better in the TV show "the Office" though. It was ok, but wont be the kind of movie you watch again and again like Walle. Definatly a rental, dont way alot to go see it, you'll regret it....

Monday, June 23, 2008

srrry, been gone-ish

i havent been on the computer for a while.
i was playing on as well as now and really like even though i am a crappy player. =) but i still luv howrse i am just not spending ALL my time on it now =)
i'm kinda bored and havent really been doing anything this summer. but my website i have been updating all the time, so now my Birds page is almost complete.
also today i was sitting on the coach reading with Rocket (our black lab 3 year old dog) decieded to semi-pee on me. so my jeans got nasty....
so anyway, no i'm sittibg in the basement on the computer letting it bleatch away mt semi-tan from swimming.
i didnt know u could get a tan from swimming UNDER water, but apparently you can...
wow. this was one long post.
now im going to do something funner then this.
not sure what tho.
I am almost done with this book " With love from Baghdad " its about this puppy that gets adopted by the military people, Marines-or-something and they take care of him while they are fighting in Iraq. its really a) sweet b) sad and c) just plain out sweet. They are all "tough" or whatever but even a whimpering puppy breaks their hearts.
It makes me so sad. All those young soulders dying for glory-crap but all they are going to do is get killed.

Friday, June 20, 2008


my computer keeps on breaking down.
im getting the blue screen of death...
(ohhhh... scary!!)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

sigh... but happpy

i havent had swimming for the last 2 days.
i kinda wanna swim now....


today i saw peacocks and peahens. there was a beautiful white peacock. i got a feather that he dropped =)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

No swimming!!!

it was like 50F this morning at 7:30 so i didnt have swimming!!! we were gonna like freeze or somethin.
so now im bored....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Emilie Simon

she rocks!


I want to buy you flowers
it's such a shame you're a boy
but when you are not a girl
nobody buys you flowers

I want to buy you flowers
and now I'm standing in the shop
I must confess I wonder
if you will like my flowers

You are so sweet and I'm so alone
oh darling please
tell me you're the one
I'll buy you flowers
I'll buy you flowers
like no other girl did before

You were so sweet and I was in love
oh darling don't tell me
you found another girl
forget the flowers
because the flowers
never last for ever
never last for ever
never last for ever
my love"


i lllllluuuuuvvvv summer!

i now have found 3 pieces of the magic machine.
just 7 more!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My internet keeps going down...

my internet keeps going down and howrse is being all glitchy...
i'mm probably go outside.
i *think* i have a life other then the comp.

Friday, June 6, 2008


i havent posted anything for ages because after the whole "howrse-fame" or whatever i havent had anything intereesting enough to report. and i still dont.
Its finally summer but EVERY single day i have to getr up at 7:30 for an hour and a half of swim team !!!!!!!! GRRRR....
i like swimming but why so EARLYYY???? and on sat/sun we have competitions. so no break!! aurg.
at the stables im not riding skipper anymore. now its Buckley...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

On june 4th the puzzles will go

On june 4th the puzzles will go, but you'll still have Howrse tips!
go to HowrsePhan help
or my normal website Ridethestarz