Monday, June 23, 2008

srrry, been gone-ish

i havent been on the computer for a while.
i was playing on as well as now and really like even though i am a crappy player. =) but i still luv howrse i am just not spending ALL my time on it now =)
i'm kinda bored and havent really been doing anything this summer. but my website i have been updating all the time, so now my Birds page is almost complete.
also today i was sitting on the coach reading with Rocket (our black lab 3 year old dog) decieded to semi-pee on me. so my jeans got nasty....
so anyway, no i'm sittibg in the basement on the computer letting it bleatch away mt semi-tan from swimming.
i didnt know u could get a tan from swimming UNDER water, but apparently you can...
wow. this was one long post.
now im going to do something funner then this.
not sure what tho.
I am almost done with this book " With love from Baghdad " its about this puppy that gets adopted by the military people, Marines-or-something and they take care of him while they are fighting in Iraq. its really a) sweet b) sad and c) just plain out sweet. They are all "tough" or whatever but even a whimpering puppy breaks their hearts.
It makes me so sad. All those young soulders dying for glory-crap but all they are going to do is get killed.

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