Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Magical Tech Playground

My laptop is a HP Pavilion dm3 Entertainment PC. Named Susie. She gets very excited and sometimes worries me by heating up quite fast and to a pretty high temperature. Sure, I might not go outside at all this summer, but I'll have a pretty amazing tan anyway all thanks to Susie. She's very light, very thin and definately very amazing, and I'm not just saying that because I'm worried she'll freeze up if I insult her.

My 4GB Sansa Fuze died a little while ago after only working for almost a year and a half. It has constant low battery, but when you plug it in you get the charging screen but it won't actually charge. I literally charged it for a week before I decided that it was time to say goodbye.. RIP

My new mp3 player is amazing. It's touch screen and the lock actually works unlike my phone (but that's another rant) it is amazingly thin, very beautiful and has 16GB so is a huge upgrade for me. So now you're like "Ooh, sounds cool an awesome comparatively inexpensive mp3 player I'm interested" so keep that in mind it's amazing. Absolutely stunning piece of technology. And it's a Zune. (Did you almost think it was an iPod? Ew, I haven't crossed to the darkside, please give me some dignity here.) Yes the Zune HD is now my new favorite tech BFF. No longer the ugly duckling, it has fully emerged from its cocoon as a beautiful butterfly/swan. (Sorry, I'm metaphor confused.) 

update :) and of course the necessary rant *shakes head* I should not just complain about things on here... I know it..

Thanks so much for all the comments, since my last post I have a surprise.
I started work as an intern at Wolfram Research working on my baby, ALPHY!
If you look back on my old posts you'll see that I'm definitely a huge fan, and this job is most probably the most amazing thing ever :). Despite the fact that I'm working on a mac, (I feel bad even slightly complaining I'm still jumping for joy) this is definately very cool, so I thought you guys should know! TAA-DAA miracles happen!

Also sorry about my previous spelling/grammar mistakes. I've realized I'm pretty [insert that word that means judgmental of other people even though you do it yourself.. starts with an "h"?] I mean I absolutely fume when I see spelling errors, but then I make my own. But still, I'm just one person whereas companies? and ADVERTISEMENTS? They're supposed to be representing themselves not making the entire  company look rater, well, stupid. They just succeed in making me not want to buy their things, I mean if they don't care enough to make sure the spelling in their ads is right, what else do they not care about, or are over-looking? 

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hidden in WolframAlpha

We all know that you can find tons of helpful information on WolframAlpha but here are some hidden treats you might find useful:

For house buying and comparing prices: Go Here 
To find calories in things just type in the food: Go Here
After eating that delicious food, find how many calories you have burned Here
To convert money: Here
Find information about books, and compare them: Go Here
Or if you are more of a movie person, Here
And what every musical needs help with chords, pitches, songs and everything else can be found Here

Which leads to the question, is there anything WolframAlpha can not do? All you need to do is find the right keywords and you can find the answer to everything. Including yes, the universe (here).

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy twenty-ten!

No, don't you dare say "two thousand and ten" its getting much to long "twenty ten" sounds much cooler. I have waited for a long time to be able to say "twenty ten" on a regular basis and I may just punch you if you say the thousand-crap. When it was 2005 we couldn't say "twenty-oh-five" although now that i think about it, it could have been cool... although we got used to saying a "thousand" in 2000. Saving "twenty-oh-oh" would have been very strange indeed... But we need to start soon and just get rid of saying the thousand. Like ripping off a particularly smelly band-aid we need to just ween ourselves of the "thousand". Besides the future generations will thank us. No one wants to say "two thousand three hundred and sixty-five", and knowing how slow this generation is at stuff we need to just say "twenty-ten" before we get stuck saying thousand again. Imagine how much time we will be able to save now with just two syllables instead of five? Even more time to spend on the couch watching TV.... actually the time may be better used just talking.... that's a little more productive. Of course, I'm one to talk I'm wasting my time writing a pointless blog.

update :D

ok so heres what has changed...
i dyed my hair purple (4 times and it hardly sticks.. i think my hair is rebelling)
i got a double piercing in my ear and it didnt hurt as much as the first one...
i got a job and my mom laughed at my paycheck... ;( and im saving up for a good laptop :)
i had an amazing christmas, hannukah and new year :) (hope you did too?)