Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Alpha: Homework Killer

(as you may have noticed I'm pretty into the Wolfram Alpha thing lol)

I've seen all these things saying Alpha is horrible and not as good as google but hasn't anyone realized? Alpha has great potential as a homework killer. For everyone who couldn't buy Mathematica before, now you can get a simpler version for free on the web! I have already learnt so much for example: Did you know a "happy" was a fish? I searched "happy" thinking I would get the word and I got the fish! You learn something everyday....

You can use it for:
  • Math (for obvious reeasons and it does algebra!!)
  • English (Just type in the word for grammar etc)
  • Biology (Type in the animal name and get ALL the scientific stuff, I could never have gotten all that information on google and its a lot more reliable than Wikipedia)
  • History (Just type in a date and get everything that happened then)
  • Stocks (Not really a class but if your interested in the stock market its very useful. Some of the data is a little old so you have to check but Alpha has just started it will soon be up-to-date)
  • Music (You can search composers, or type in a key name)
  • Like everything!!

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