Ride The Starz began as my random-mutterings about horses, but has gradually evolved into reviews, rants, my love Alphy and general awesome geekyness :)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
black out
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
also Skipper's better! yay! my love.... i mean riding Kaity was fun but I sure missed my skippy... ( he was gone for 6 months cuz he got hurt) and now he's kind of fat (ok... reallly fat) and still likes to bite the leather (its almost impossible to get his bridle on) and when i'm getting of he doesn't wanna let go of the bit.... awww skippy/.... i'll get a picture of him sometime and you can see how beautiful he is.... and giant! he is HUGE!!! like 16-17 hands. ..... WOW!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
*ouch* and heres my report... (havent gotten it up till 3 pgs. yet....)
Which is smarter- Mice, Gerbils or Hamsters?
By Zippy G
To test intelligence in rodents, I will check their memory by running my Mice, Gerbils and Hamsters thorough two types of mazes, one that tests their short-term memory and one that tests their long-term memory.
The T-maze tests their long-term memory. I will place a treat in only one side of the “T” I will have them run thorough it and always go to that one particular side. Then after they get comfortable with this, I will place a reward in both sides and see if they still go to the same side or if they are indecisive and not sure which one to take.
To test their short-term memory I will run them thorough the Radial arm maze, first I will place a treat in each “arm” and they will go around eating all the treats, if they visit the same area twice then they have forgotten where they have already gone.
Thanks to
www.ratbehavior.org – Pictures
www.psychology.stir.ac.uk/staff/pdudchenko/documents/dudchenko_2004.pdf - Information on Rodents and Mazes
www.hhmi.org/genesweshare/d150.html - Radial Arm Maze

i have a science 3-page paper with 12 font due monday.... i NEED to start it! ack! sorry this post is short as you can tell im busy.... and then i have sunday school! *head explodes*