Now i only have four mice. Two of them killed another. so now i have two tanks. One for the bullies (murderers) and one for the nice ones (they are brother and sister.) but we just realized the main murderer (they both ate the mouse but only one killed it) is probably pregnant which is why al the other mice are hungry. The mean mouse would guard the food and attack anyone who tried to eat. and he hogged the water.
My two nice mouses well, one is really tine and adorable and i have to hand feed it. and the other is insane. it runs around in circles. then it stops and eats. then it runs in circle's again. its really sad to see. my science fair project isn't going well because i have NO wild mice and my domestic mice are either dead, runts, murderers or insane. Also Gerbils LOVE mozarilla cheese. I got some for the mice as well as some apples and Tawnypaw liked the cheese more than them.
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