Ride The Starz began as my random-mutterings about horses, but has gradually evolved into reviews, rants, my love Alphy and general awesome geekyness :)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
i have three tests today! one vocab, one spanish and one computer. must STUDY! thanx whoever voted in my poll! also sorry al my posts are so short lately. its the stupid homework/tests. also HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Monday, October 29, 2007
yesterday was my sistas birthday party. as her present from my parents she got two black gerbils. she named them after japanese anime characters from her favorite one. they are bolth guys.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
we carved pumpkins mine looked kind of like a novergrown walrus, but it was supposed to be a face with fangs. netty did an awesome intricate thing and kat did a "fatty batty" =)
Saturday, October 27, 2007
My grandma Jane is coming to spend halloween with us. yay... i cant wait till halloween. my outfit looks awesome. im wearing jeans and this raggedy fabric over a black shirt then im putting on black wings. im not goth. just depressed. besides right now im yellow pjs. if i was goth i wouldnt. ok besides the point but ya know..
Friday, October 26, 2007
today is art class we are going to go to the chocolate store on campus buy chocolate and then draw it. and then FINALLY eat it! yum...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
well we went to the reindeer ranch. the reeindeer were very cute. then i went to horse riding. one horse bucked this other girl off but she was fine. i need to study for spanish so.. Adios!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
im going to chicago later on today and my grandma's house has NO internet connection! *sniff* im gonna die! and the talent show wasn't great. we only razed 750.00 pathetic, huh? last year we raised 2000 but then we had half as much kids. and the teacher was like "how much do you think we raised?" and everyone's like "a thousand!" cuz thats what we assumed it was. i felt kind of sorry for her. we all felt terrible cuz we weren't a good as last year.
Friday, October 19, 2007
now i have four cages in my room , one for my gerbil one for the insane mouse and the runt and one for the murderer and another for the other killer. (they were fighting. the murderer in actually cannibalistic. and the other one is just mean. ) and my room smells.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Now i only have four mice. Two of them killed another. so now i have two tanks. One for the bullies (murderers) and one for the nice ones (they are brother and sister.) but we just realized the main murderer (they both ate the mouse but only one killed it) is probably pregnant which is why al the other mice are hungry. The mean mouse would guard the food and attack anyone who tried to eat. and he hogged the water.
My two nice mouses well, one is really tine and adorable and i have to hand feed it. and the other is insane. it runs around in circles. then it stops and eats. then it runs in circle's again. its really sad to see. my science fair project isn't going well because i have NO wild mice and my domestic mice are either dead, runts, murderers or insane. Also Gerbils LOVE mozarilla cheese. I got some for the mice as well as some apples and Tawnypaw liked the cheese more than them.
My two nice mouses well, one is really tine and adorable and i have to hand feed it. and the other is insane. it runs around in circles. then it stops and eats. then it runs in circle's again. its really sad to see. my science fair project isn't going well because i have NO wild mice and my domestic mice are either dead, runts, murderers or insane. Also Gerbils LOVE mozarilla cheese. I got some for the mice as well as some apples and Tawnypaw liked the cheese more than them.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
the school decided that the play we were doing was to long so now we are doing another play and i only have one line! easy to memorize but.... oh well. we will do the other play for the dinner theatre. (yeah my school does alot of this stuff.)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
my schools doing a talent show. you should come. im the queen and mother of the main character. Im gonna wear my mothers wedding dress. (from before my mom was pregnant . No offence ma) im kind of amazed it fits me. but now she says i have to believe her when she says she was a lot lighter. wow... its kind a itchy... also its not her fancy one. its her one for her first wedding. (yes she married me dad twice. a jewish wedding and a non-religious wedding) this is the non-religious one and its not as fancy.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
humm... ill write something later. i dont know whatto say.
later on
forget the other post earlier. yesterday night the reason I was so late wuz because we went to the chinese moon festival. My sister was performing in it. then they had people from taiwan doing these yo-yo's. you know the cool ones with the sticks? and there was dancing and acrobats. =)
later on
forget the other post earlier. yesterday night the reason I was so late wuz because we went to the chinese moon festival. My sister was performing in it. then they had people from taiwan doing these yo-yo's. you know the cool ones with the sticks? and there was dancing and acrobats. =)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Talent Show
this newspaper group came by our school today to take pictures of us practicing for our talent show to put in the newspaper. =)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
there was something i wante to write about. but i forgot what it was. crap. I forgot. But I remembered something else more important then my pathetic life! (what? how can it be? MY life is THE most important thing ever! why in the newspaper today the headline was "Zippy's life takes an unusual turn, she eats PB&J instead of a cheese sandwich!" instead of "Our stupid president just blew up the world" -for all you idiots who read this blog before you read the news have No fear the Prez. hasnt blown up the world yet- also our NEWSpaper has a section called "news" pathetic ,huh? anyway the important thing is...)Buh Buh buh BUH! (i just realized the last parenthesies was longer than the whole post. ouch.) October is Breast Cancer awareness month. There was this sign at the supermarket saying that but they forgot the "cancer" part. Im glad they didnt forget the awareness as well. *Evil Grin* So this post is to make up for the pathetic one I did this morning. also My sista's b-day is on the 13th so i need to get her a present! URG! i forgot that! must get her something.....
i cant actually say what the trouble is cuz the wrong people might read it. so sorry. if it works out ill post it up here and everyone can laugh at me.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
yay my www.freewebs.com/ridethestarz/ website is like almost complete! u should join! whoopdodo! also yesterday in horse riding class we learnt about this dude and he rested his saddlepad on a fence got out his horse and put it on his horse. he put on the rest of the tack and mounted but when he mounted the horse flipped over and broke his neck. (yes horses can flip not good for the rider or the horse) it turned out that their had been a three inch splinter in the saddlepad and when he sat he had dug it into the horse. ouch...
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
howrse is uunder maintainance so im bored. i know! ill make a website. heres the link www.freewebs.com/ridethestarz/ its a roleplaying game. fun =) so sign up or die!
Monday, October 8, 2007
I dont really have anything to talk about. so feel free to comment. i dont mind. really i know you are all reading this. *cough*
Responce to Kat: No it was not "Corn" who my skirt fell down in front of. it was some high school guy. Thank G-d! ( I mean it's still bad but corn is my luv... for those of u who dont know. but i bet the whole WORLD knows by now cuz liliana told the whole school! *sniff*)
Responce to Kat: No it was not "Corn" who my skirt fell down in front of. it was some high school guy. Thank G-d! ( I mean it's still bad but corn is my luv... for those of u who dont know. but i bet the whole WORLD knows by now cuz liliana told the whole school! *sniff*)
Sunday, October 7, 2007
rocket killed a squirrel. we never thought hed actually catch it. he broke its back and left it paralized then it died a slow and painful death. i guess thats what dogs do.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
hows my hair?
so this one woman goes ' oh your hairs nice" and i go "why thank you" then she says 2 my dad (my mom wasnt there) " isthis your wife?" very insulting. the only people who like my hair are halfblind old woman!!
also for my science fair project im seeing which is smarter wild or domestic mice. i have 3 white domestic mice Dwayne (from "the Office") , Rezzie, Satan (has red eyes) Mimzy (from the last mimsy) and PomPom
also for my science fair project im seeing which is smarter wild or domestic mice. i have 3 white domestic mice Dwayne (from "the Office") , Rezzie, Satan (has red eyes) Mimzy (from the last mimsy) and PomPom
Friday, October 5, 2007
we went to the synagogue and my dad was doing the hora and i was sitting in th back with my arms crossed melting into the wall. and he kept calling out to me to dance. and then later on I was sitting down reading and this guy says hi so i say hi and stand up and i step on my skirt and it falls down. i was SO embarrassed!!! OMG i was gonna die!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
my sister cut half of her hair up to her ear. the rest is still really long (if you haven't seen her her hair reaches down to her butt) now we have to go to as beautician and get it styled. she didn't want her hair short. but my mom told her if you don't brush your hair its gonna have to be cut. an empty threat you know? she has said that for 5 years. but now once has zoe actually cut her hair!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
my clock said 3 in the morning so i read into 4 then i went down stairs when i finished the book and realized that my watch was wrong nad it was actually 6'o clock. ack!
Monday, October 1, 2007
i knew i hd something i wanted to write but i forgot what. so i'll just type randomly instead. if you dont have much time dont read this post. its a complete waste of your time. if any one ever looks at this post. oh yeah! i remember what i was gonna say ok so like we have this science fair right? well.... i am getting mice from the wild and domestic and im gonna make them run in a maze and see which ones smarter!!!! sounds fun!! yay this is like the first time in history ive been fairly excited about something remotely science-y.
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